Hormonal method
This method is the most convenient as it consists of a medication that is taken at home under medical guidance that we provide.
After 15 days, the patient will return to our facilities for a check-up and ultrasound to confirm that the treatment worked correctly.
In this way and until then we finish our LIP services.
Pregnancy Control
It involves regular and planned meetings between the pregnant woman and the gynecologist.
These appointments are scheduled monthly until 28 weeks of pregnancy, biweekly until 36 weeks, and weekly until the delivery date.
During the check-ups, the following is recorded: blood pressure, maternal weight, uterine height (uterus growth in cm), fetal movements (from 18-22 weeks), and fetal heartbeats.

Pap smear
It’s performed to diagnose cervical cancer. The objective of this test is to detect changes in the cells of the cervix that are precursors to cancer, before they start causing symptoms, thus allowing treatments to be effective.
Pelvic ultrasound
Ultrasound images, also known as ultrasound scanning or sonography, involve the use of a small transducer (probe) and ultrasound gel to expose the body to high-frequency sound waves. Ultrasound is safe and painless, and it produces images of the inside of the body using sound waves.